1Win Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At 1Win, ensuring favorable and reliable conditions for our users is achieved through a comprehensive privacy policy. This document outlines the methods and reasons for collecting and analyzing personal details about users, as well as their rights and the security guarantees provided by 1Win. By creating an account, you agree to this policy. If you disagree, you will not be able to access our services.

Private Data: Types and Methods of Collection

Users who visit the official website or mobile application of 1Win leave personal information in various ways. This data can be categorized based on how it is collected:

  1. Direct Transmission: When users directly visit the platform and use its services and products, such as during registration or the verification process. This includes full name, gender, date of birth, and contact details.
  2. Automatic Collection: During normal use of 1Win services, we may collect data such as IP address, location, device type and operating system, language preferences, and browser settings. This helps us understand how you use the platform and improve your experience.
  3. Third-Party Resources: We may obtain necessary information about users from public domains, partners, or banking institutions.

Reasons for Receiving Details

1Win India collects customer data only when there is a legal basis to do so. This includes:

  1. Contract Execution: When you become a client of 1Win, you enter into an agreement with us. We need your personal data to fulfill our obligations effectively.
  2. Legal Obligations: As a licensed gambling establishment, 1Win has obligations to law enforcement and other government agencies. We may disclose information about clients as required by law.
  3. Legitimate Interests: Analyzing personal data helps 1Win and its partners achieve commercial goals and improve our services.

Data Usage

Based on the legal grounds mentioned, 1Win uses personal data for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring seamless communication between the customer and support staff.
  • Improving the quality of services and products based on customer preferences and experiences.
  • Protecting users from fraud and curbing illegal activities on the platform.
  • Preparing statistics on the company’s activities and developing subsequent strategies.
  • Facilitating money transfers and other opportunities.
  • Assessing player activity and promoting responsible gaming.

Revelation of Details

1Win does not transfer or sell player data to third parties, except in the following cases:

  • Within the group of companies 1Win.
  • To product suppliers and partners essential for the website and mobile application functionality.
  • To affiliated members who have referred users to 1Win India.
  • To law enforcement, judicial, and other authorities upon request or suspicion of illegal activities.

Customer Service

1Win offers a 24-hour customer support service specializing in privacy policy implementation. Users can contact us to file complaints about privacy rights violations or to clarify points in this document. Email us at [email protected] for any privacy-related inquiries.

Sanjeeb Desai
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    Updated: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:20:20